Countdown to publication - New novel - In the Shadow of Marc Bolan

The writing phase of my seventh novel is complete and is now in the final editing stage before the manuscript is submitted to the proofreader in preparation for publication.

The inspiration for In the Shadow of Marc Bolan probably goes back years, to when I was about fifteen years old. Since then, I've always wanted to write a book of fiction different from anything else I'd seen. Something that people could dip into at any time and find very lyrical. A book they would want to sing along to in some way!

The book is written in a journal style, similar to my first novel, The Asylum Soul.

Living with the Spirit of Marc Bolan

Much has already been written about the late, great Marc Bolan, but what about the influence(s) he left behind? Here Mal Foster cleverly springs a fictional take on the profound effect Bolan still has on many people’s lives...

In the Shadow of Marc Bolan is a sensitively written tale about a man obsessed with the spirit of Marc Bolan. The book's protagonist is Marc Abela, who was born the same day Bolan died when a car driven by girlfriend, Gloria Jones crashed through a fence and hit a tree in Barnes, West London in the early hours of 16 September 1977.

Marc Abela has always lived his life in the shadow of the late glam rock icon. Indeed, he had spent his first few years on this earth growing up against the backdrop of Bolan’s music. Marc's mother, a devoted Bolan/T.Rex fan tragically died by her own hand when he was only five.

The story is a powerful and plausible paranormal/psychological drama, predominately set in a Surrey psychiatric unit in the modern day. Now forty-six-years old, Marc finds himself institutionalised and refusing to speak after being sectioned under the 1983 Mental-Health Act.

As they seek a diagnosis, specialists believe there could be a link between Marc’s current predicament and what had happened in his past. Could the spiritual influence of Marc Bolan be the real reason for what they believe is a ‘self-inflicted’ condition? Psychologist Hercules Brown and his colleagues pull out all the stops to find the answer.

"Researching and then writing my new novel has been a blast. I want the book to appeal to Bolan fans and of course, those less familiar with his work. I'm currently looking for a reputable agent/influencer who will realise the magnitude of the book's unique marketing potential, I think this one deserves a leg up," Mal told columnist Sally Roast.

In other progress, I will be commissioning a cover design over the next few weeks. Please keep checking my FB & X/witter pages for frequent updates.